Happiness Pursuit

Our happiness directly impacts productivity, creativity, energy, problem solving skills and overall health.
If that isn’t convincing enough,perhaps knowing
we can each make 1000 people’s lives happier by improving our state, is.
It’s just one of many studies discussed in Shawn Achor’s book’ The Happiness Advantage”.

Happiness affects how we learn and process information.
Shawn claims our brain performs better when we are happy.
Dopamine not only makes us happy, it ‘turns on all the learning centers in our brain’.

Some studies say regardless of eating and exercise habits, if our mental/emotional health is neglected, we won’t prevent disease or live longer.
It’s this kind of research that is catapulting Positive Psychology into the mainstream.

Shawn suggests happiness creates success, rather than success creates happiness.
“90% of happiness comes not from external sources but from how your brain processes your world.”
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I was intrigued to learn when stressed, we block our creative problem solving skills.

If we retrain our thinking habits, we may not only survive in tough times, but thrive.
When such habits are developed, we may view new possibilities on a regular basis, not just creative ones, but accurate solutions.
“Doctor’s put in a positive mood before making a diagnosis show almost three times more intelligence and creativity than Doctor’s in a neutral state. They make accurate diagnosis 19% faster.”*

If the goal is to be healthier, improve relationships, productivity at work, lose weight, increase creativity, or cope with trauma, his studies & methods are quite convincing.

Being in the midst of someone who is authentically positive, we witness the ripple effect it has on others and our world.
Regardless of our motives for happiness pursuit, it’s a worthy one.

~ May you be peaceful. May you be well. May you be happy.~ d

P.S Shawn began his small consulting firm delivering the Happiness Advantage theory during one of the worst economic downturns in 2008.
One of his target audiences?
*The Happiness Advantage– Shawn Achor