Mentor’s Advice

The best wisdom expressed early in my art career was from a Gallery owner
who delivers great advice and warm bear hugs.
A seasoned outdoorsman,his meaty potter’s hands craft beauty and grip canoe paddles thru northern rapids.
During my opening event in his gallery, one guest was creating his own turbulence.

After months of work, opening reception may produce jumbled nerves and thin skin.
After his third attempt to “Get a rise out of the Artist”
spouting hurtful accusations,patrons were beginning to stare.
Art criticism comes with the territory, personal bullying, not so much.
I debated how to tactfully respond.

It’s a unique career position as a working Artist.
Choosing the creative path embodies one of wonder,
of an education that will never cease.
It spreads before us possibilities, challenging to create something new to the world, every time we step to the canvas.
Commanding us to evolve, to be better. To be great.
Built with love, fed by passion, fueled with a desire to inspire, to celebrate, to transform someone’s world.
vines easel
New “Vines” 11×14 Original Oil

It’s also a path that exposes our vulnerabilities.
It beckons us to open a personal window to the world, despite possible criticism, the risk of failure.
Each painting we release, we wait… and hope for a warm reception.

Choosing a path where our living is dependent on that reception is a powerful and frightening thing.
As frightening as it is, it’s also humbling.
To intentionally wake up each morning
evaluate, assess, then choose,
Today, I am an Artist.

The advice Al Pace gave to me over a decade ago?
“Don’t respond. However tactful you are,
you will seem as the Artist with a chip on your shoulder.
Don’t be that Artist. Be The Artist”.

I thanked the guest for coming before focusing my attention on other patrons.
The show was a success.
My memory is fuzzy on the guest’s slashing words, but every one of Al’s still resonates.
Thanks Al.
al & dawn
Al Pace and Dawn ~ London Exhibit 2005- Pace Pottery on display.
Al Pace and Lin Ward run and operate Pace Pottery Studio in the Hockley Valley and award winning Canoe North Adventures. They have sold the most Dawn Banning paintings of any other gallery venue.

~ Note: Among many emails I receive, some are Artists asking advice.
Having great mentors and heeding their advice is one key to success.
Reading suggestions:

Mark McGuiness a recognized Creative business coach
and Poet, offers a tremendously helpful course for FREE online: click here
Mark’s book Resilience is fantastic. Click here.

Great sources of inspiration & creativity infusion, are:
Zig Zag– The Surprising Path to greater Creativity – Keith Sawyer
The Art of Possibility by Ben Zander and Rosamund Stone Zander
The Happiness Advantage: Shawn Achor
Quiet: the Power of Introverts by Susan Cain.