Beholding the Sun

A setting sun invites reflection & peace.
A morning sun blooms with newness & discovery.

A rising sun is filled with promise.
Rising Sun 1

This story ventures back to a young life filled with sunrises & sunsets growing up in the boreal forest.
It’s a story of homecoming.
The Boreal Forest, circumpolar in extent, is the largest terrestrial ecosystem on Earth and the greatest wilderness in the world.
In 2011 I was invited on an expedition traveling deep into the heart of the Boreal Forest.
I met up with five complete strangers (renown artists), and spent 30 days with them in remote wilderness,
with no contact to the outside world.
dawn shore

I was some 1600 k from where I had roamed as a child.
The landscape varied, but familiarity in the scent of pine and loon’s echo resonated.
I realized how much I had longed for this.
The welcoming silence of the wild.
My body felt soothed in the gentle rock of the canoe traversing waters immersed in the natural world, empty of civilization.

Recollections flooded my spirit.

A balm I didn’t realize I had been searching for quieted the chaos of the civilized world.
I was awakening like the rising sun before me.
rising sun dawn 2

Note ~The average person looks at their phone 150 times a day. We spend 80% of our lives indoors.
If a shimmer of wilderness spirit finds it’s way to you in a painting, it’s a good thing.
May you be peacefully well, and feel the warmth of the rising sun.

New “Rising Sun” 5ft x 3ft oil & wax on 1.5 in profile canvas avail for purchase