Creative Efficiency & Cold Wax

Wax & birch Board.
Who knew beeswax would be a key to ascension?
The road to this discovery is more about creative efficiency than chance.

After nearly a month of absence from my studio, I didn’t leap directly into painting.
It may be surprising to hear I work more methodically than whimsically.
Some artists attribute success to fanciful notions and may be as unpredictable in their approach as in their art.

To achieve creative evolvement ~ we need to free up space for possibility.
Thou it may seem contradictory, for me, a solid foundation of preparation helps the ‘spark of genius’ to occur.
In short: I need to have my ducks in a row for creative flow to happen.

In my FREE EBOOK, I write how I build a foundation and create‘space’.
Achieving artistic vision is a lot about the prep work.
In order to lay that ground work, I live by structure.

If one is feeling their optimum, the work has opportunity to be so.
I am regimented with my health, the work, and schedule. Ducks in a Row.
duck palette

DSC00112 Plein Air-oil & wax
Whatever your goals and ambitions, when we create’ space’ for flow to happen, wonder takes hold, endless possibilities are achievable.
New Oil & Wax “Sky and Haystacks” 8×10 on Birch Board. 400.oo $