“What it the optimal size of a creative brainstorming group?
Answer: ONE.”
Eric Barker referring to the book “QUIET: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking”, by Susan Cain.

Emails flooded my inbox after Shyness Painting Outdoors was published.
A few suggested I read “Quiet”.
It seems introversion is as popular subject as painting Plein Air.

Surprisingly, the text filled with enlightening research, and the key to maximizing talents for both extroverts & introverts.
You may not be introverted, but you may live with, parent, teach or work with one.
Susan discusses options to work & live more productively & cohesively.
She suggests introverts make great leaders, like Gandhi and Rosa Parks.

One chapter covers a psychological study proving a streak of introversion is a crucial ingredient to creativity.
DSC06895 NEW 14×18 oil ‘finger’ painting

But BIG personality is in demand, even in the world of art.
“The 20th century is the culture of personality,” Susan says in her TED talk.
“It’s all about branding, displaying personality, in the media/ social networks”, an industry rep suggested to me.
During a presentation last month “Art as an Investment” the appraiser said as much. In the US particularly, artists with ‘Big personalities”, can, at times, attract more sales, with higher market prices, even if their work is substandard, she said. “It’s sad, but true”.

This personality bias hosts a challenge for the introverted artist trying to make a living.
In this drama hungry age, where sharing may be a social media term not an act, is understated enough?
In art, do people seek substance, or story? Perhaps both?

Creative folk are often misunderstood in their introversion.
Exhibition jitters inferred as lack of confidence.
Reluctance to teach, a sign of reluctance to share.
The soft- spoken considered meek, lacking authority.

I know soft-spoken people whose words resonate strength.
I have stood in the quiet presence of brilliant artists considered reclusive, and felt their power.

Exhibition nausea continues to hinder me, but I wouldn’t be present if I lacked confidence in the work, with a deep belief in what I have to share.
Personality is boldly in the work, where it counts.
This is where the drama unfolds, in the swirling of colour and dance of light.
DSC06869 NEW 8×10 palette knife, fingers and brush oil.

Thou Susan admits many personalities cannot be defined in one group or another, with influences of culture diversity, nurture, behaviors, a better balance between introverts and extroverts is important to productivity and creativity.

I think it’s about mutual respect.
Everyone yearns to be understood, to be valued.
Speak with sincerity.
Listen intently, without judgment. We all have something offer and share.
Respect goes beyond personality, uniting humanity.
Together, rich with diversity, we can do great things and create a better world.

DSC06898 FallBrook Trail 18×24 Oil

All work is available for sale. If you know someone who might enjoy this post & new work, please feel free to pass it along.