Moving Forward

Have you ever met an inspiring person that’s had an easy life?

People often suggest my inspiration must come from other artists and their work.

In truth, I am most inspired by other people. 

Human stories, not art ones. These human stories are often filled with resilience, persistence, kindness, and grace. They have heroic elements and inspire me to be a better person, not just artist. 

In the manner of building resilience and coping skills, one familiar point keeps coming up.

Attitude is one important key. How we ‘frame’ or ‘reframe’ events matters.

“We have the ability to decide how we’re going to interpret the adversities we face.”

Eric Barker, best selling author writes the first thing to do when “facing difficulty is to recognize it.”

Survivor stories often say they quickly accepted what was happening so they could move forward with solution solving. It’s a lesson to not dally in denial.

Dr. Ginsburg, Psychologist proposes there are 7 elements of resilience “competence, confidence, connection, character, contribution, coping and control.”

work in progress..

Last month it felt like nearing the end of  shovelling the driveway, and the snowplough came by and dumped 3 feet of icy heavy snow all along the entrance.

Some of you are facing all kinds of grief and many are feeling the stress of fatigue.

Some shake their heads in anger at the snowplough.  In reality, he is just doing his job. Thankfully for us, he cleared the road so we can get on with our tasks. 

Last week, I could hear the grater before I saw it. What if I didn’t react, externally or internally, and didn’t break stride? As flying snow covered my pant legs and hampered my foot strike, I didn’t break stride.

Internal delight gave me an unexpected energy boost to carry on.

Here are some of my solutions for daily coping:

  1. Do something ‘normal’ daily, still complying with health protocols. It can feel surprisingly good to wash the car. 

2. Focus on what is within control like, attitude, reactions, being of service, self care, and having purpose.

3. Awareness of internal dialogue and interpretation of language. It can have a huge psychological and emotional effect. We can follow health protocols, and still step outside for a deep breath of fresh air. I am not locked, nor down. I choose not to think in that language.

4. Treat others with kindness, connect with loved ones, laugh and work with purpose.

Mom used to say “Suffering doesn’t matter. But how we cope with it does.” She was incredibly resilient and proactive with a sparkling sense of humour. Of all the inspiring people I have met and heroic stories I know, she is at the top of the list. She didn’t have an easy life, but she made living with grace, kindness.. and doing the right thing look effortless.

~ New work above, in progress & familiar. Please email to inquire for purchase.

Also new, is the studio construction in progress. VERY exciting!!