Meditative Power

Mediation is well recognized for positive emotional health.
New scientific studies proclaim surprising benefits, including a form of mental training for the brain.
“Building a Better Brain” by Sharon Begley (Newsweek) suggests meditation can ‘increase the thickness of regions that control attention and process sensory signals from the outside world”.

What does this mean exactly?
It’s a form of fitness training for your brain.
Better than crossword puzzles, it transfers to changing your brain at molecular level, helping to preserve the aging brain.

Having problems sticking to those New Year’s Resolutions? Meditation may assist your success.
NEUROSCIENTISTS have also found that, after just 11 HOURS of meditation, practitioners had structural changes in the part of the brain involved in monitoring our FOCUS and SELF CONTROL.
That’s good news for artists.
Meditation’s obvious benefits are easing anxiety issues, chronic pain, stress, and depression.
It fuels our happiness and energy, improves our sleep, develops our intuition.
Science states meditation can influence behavior, assist with weight loss, have a positive effect on relationships, and help us stay on task.

It’s also been proven to increase our <ahref=””>immunity.
In one study, after only 8 weeks of meditating participants had increased antibodies on their system. Our immunity is directly linked to our thoughts, positive and negative.
How does the world’s oldest female bodybuilder, 79 year old Ernestine Shepherd begin her day?
That’s right, she meditates. Ernestine’s discovery of fitness late in life is remarkably inspiring.

People are able to lower their blood pressure and resting heart rate by practicing meditation.
Even during times of crisis.

Under local anesthetic a friend’s minor surgery took a dangerous turn.
A nurse, she understood the Dr’s coded language stating her body began to hemorrhage.
With a genetic pre-disposition to high blood pressure, she knew it was a deadly combination. A lifelong meditation practitioner, she immediately began TM.
The Dr’s were baffled when her blood pressure and resting HR began to stabilize without their intervention.
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New York Times writer Eric Barker’s popular article “Improve your Life- the 10 things you should do every day.” lists meditation in the top 5. ( Note: getting out in Nature is #1)
Thou meditation is recognized as an essential tool for health, some find it difficult to incorporate into their daily living.
In a ’stillness’ challenged society, walking meditation may be a solution.

Meditation can influence creativity.
Research has found meditation to promote ‘DIVERGENT THINKING’ a type of thinking that allows many new ideas to be generated.
Creative coach & author Mark McGuiness quotes insight & clarity among the benefits for creatives who practice meditation.
He states if you depend on your creativity for your means of living, your most valuable piece of equipment isn’t your computer, it’s your brain.

I have long believed in the power of meditation, thou admit, a little biased.
The friend who transformed her situation in surgery?
My Mom.
tip: having trouble with distraction while meditating?
Never underestimate the power of a sleep mask & ear plugs.
Of course, not to be applied during walking meditation.

Studio News
I have included photos of work available for immediate purchase, including the newest Rocks & Snow, posted last week.
For complete list of available work click here.
I’d love to hear from you. (Note: 2014/15 pricing is still in effect.)

New work in various stages of completion for the private exhibit, will be available for purchase after the event in Calgary.
I am also in the midst of working on private commissions in the west & east.
So grateful to meet new clients, have a full plate of work, and an actual waiting list.