
~“You need not leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. You need not even listen, simply wait, just learn to become quiet, and still, and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked. It has no choice; it will roll in ecstasy at your feet.”  F. Kafka

dsc07608 New “Clouds” oil on canvas series.

Experts say the human species is ‘young’ enough to recognize our original home, the wilderness. Perhaps this is why even the most non nature buff will feel a sense of peace basking in a sunset, or hearing an ocean’s voice.c “C” 6in x6in

Wilderness isn’t just a balm to our soul, it improves our memory, and intelligence. Exercising outside likely doubles the benefits. We are 50% more creative after spending time outdoors. Our heartbeats slow, and blood pressure drops when in nature. Even viewing images of nature can inspire this reaction.l “L” 6in x 6in

It may be why millions are spent on ‘nature sound’ playlists, and wilderness photos coupled with motivating quotes are displayed on walls around the world. We humans have a deep emotional, even spiritual connection to nature.o “O” 6in x6in

 Painting is finding that essence, and breath of life.

The art I create isn’t about self-expression. It’s absorbing energy in nature, offering it back to you. Sharing a primitive kinship in natures wonder without limits.u “U” 6in x6in

Why don’t I include people in landscape paintings?

I do.

I put you there.

Nature art is an open invitation to all of humanity, without agenda.d “D” 6in x6in

Have you witnessed visitors in an art museum of diverse cultures and demographics respond similarly to art? It’s an amazing thing, this connection.s “S” 6in x6in

The new series celebrates humanity, art & nature connection. Each 6×6 canvas is available for collection individually, or by 2, 3 or 4, but not as a set entirely.

Know that someone, somewhere in the world, will have a selection of this scene as collective. The series reaffirms, in some small, but possibly powerful way, we are all part of a whole.~

No man is an island / Entire of itself / Every man is a piece of the continent / A part of the main. John Donne.~

Each 6×6 canvas shares at title, individualized by a letter. 300.oo $ each.