Creative Mobility

New Italy commission 9×12 Oil Sold.

How does an artist healthfully maintain energy, productivity, beat fatigue, burnout, avoid repetitive use injuries, stay motivated?
We don’t’ often talk about the actual physical demands of painting, or the toll it can take on the body.

I thought it would be fun to show you how I incorporate my fitness training into how I work.

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Running shoes would be included at the top of the list of my important Artist’s tools, and I don’t sit to work.
– video intro~

Sitting is the new Smoking” an article in the Toronto star article Feb 20/14 stated, featuring
Dr. Greg Wells, a kinesiology professor at the University of Toronto and author of SUPERBODIES.
He says “If you sit for eight hours a day, that actually damages your health, and if you do an hour of exercise in the evening, that’s great for you, but it doesn’t necessarily counteract the damage you are doing by being immobile.”

Dr. Wells mentions 85 % of the population does not get enough activity.
He brought up a rarely discussed topic, those who exercise for required amount daily don’t realize they are at risk.
It’s a common attitude, even among athletes,
an article in Canadian Running magazine suggests.“Running more doesn’t equal less sitting”.

Dr. Greg Wells has an easy solution to incorporating movement in our day.
“The rule I recommend for people is 20-20. For every 20 minutes of sitting, get up and stretch for 20 seconds..”
“If you have something really important to do during the day, mentally it is great to do 15 minutes of exercise right before that,” Wells said, noting that it activates areas of the brain associated with learning, problem-solving, concentration and memory.”
New work “Winter Dawn” 11×14 Oil~ Sold~ in the collection of Dr. Greg Wells.

Exercise is critical to my work.
Nutrition is the foundation, setting the platform for a great productive work/ LIFE plan.

Structure your day taking care of the three E’s: eating/ exercise/ emotional (mental) health, and you become your own powerhouse.

Shannon Wenkoff (Dec 2014) writes “ Set up triggers that get you into the rhythm for a routine of creating.
In her post “ 7 Rituals you should steal from extremely creative people” she continues
“of the artistic clients we’ve worked with over the years have done everything from meditating, to singing, to running, to even doing two-hour long workouts immediately prior to working on their creative projects.”

My methods on mobility:
Begin the day with exercise, ( cardio/ strength) and specific stretching –include areas that take an extra toll, shoulders, neck, chest, etc.

Keep moving in the workspace with efficiency for your productivity:
My palette & tools are 3 steps from my canvas. I move every time I load my brush or gather tools.

I run up 14 stairs every time I need to refuel. ( food & drink)

I don’t sit. Stand, pace, and if the music moves you, dance. It’s the energy that infuses the work.

End the day with a workout that releases tension, stretches muscles, soothing mind & spirit.

Remember the three E’s.

~ ps.~ Our culture on the topic of nutrition & exercise is often short sighted- focused on short term goals: vanity.
We have a responsibility to our own health care,
it directly affects others, our families, workplace, and our community.
If we focus on the bigger picture, living a long healthy happy life, having more enriched relationships, at home & work, being of service to others, it may make the transition to better health easier, and longer lasting.