Colour of Music

My brother appeared at my door, arms filled with a selection mixed tapes he had painstakingly created.

It was the mid 80’s and I was on my own for the first time.
His arrival gift, an eclectic compilation of music especially for me.
Among Latin acoustic guitar, was ZZ top, Gregorian Chant, Tom Cochran, Fresh Air, Liona Boyd and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

My brother’s appreciation for music is enormous, encompassing many genres.
Darin, like my father, is a musician.
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He wrote & performed the original score to my Boreal videos. Something extra special happens in the studio painting when it appears on my playlist.
A few weeks ago he gave me his ipod shuffle.
Reminded of those mixed tapes, he is still kindly sharing music with me.
The musical thread includes his son, Nicolas,who writes and performs his own original work.

Music’s power can be transforming. It can soothe, energize and inspire us. It can even make vacuuming fun.

I have trained myself to paint in chaos, or in the solitude of midnight, but to have music is a sweet joy.
DSC06627 NEW LIGHT 3ft x 4ft Original Oil

Trepidation after a long absence from my urban studio, two solutions came to mind for renewal. First, a challenge: painting on new material-burlap wrapped boards. Second, I asked my nephew, Nicolas for music ideas. He was happy to oblige with fresh melodies and wise words.
sunset- burlap New Oil on burlap board 8×10

Tunes floating in the studio including Mom’s favourites, Dad,brother and nephew performing with their recommendations~ colours dance, textures transpire, inspiration soars. In a way, the work is a family affair, with love at the core.
DSC06669 - Version 2 New Oil on board 9×12
” After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music” Alex Huxley